The past few weeks I have been printing out a lot more heads for my puppets; I should be nearly done except for a few expression changes on the minor characters, and some in-betweening on the main characters. I've also made more progress on building my set, and once I get the reimbursement from my production budget I can buy more supplies and finish things up.
The most fun thing has been seeing all the heads I've printed out in their true 3D form, after drawing them on paper and modeling them virtually, and the subtle and not-so subtle changes that come with each translation to a different medium.
The most difficult thing is trying to figure out what to use to make each part of my set LOOK realistic without being too heavy, bulky, or expensive, especially the metallic pieces. Hopefully I'm achieving a balance between feasibility and believablity as far as set dressing and props are concerned.
I also wrote up a progress description for my technique in modeling the puppet heads, which I'll post
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