this week I've been working mainly on sanding, painting, and finishing the heads I printed out on the 3D printer. I also worked out an eye mechanism to make the pupils rotate in the skull, and fitted the two tiny magnets into each separate piece. I had a lot of fun figuring out which colors to paint the characters to make them fit the coor scheme but without needing to have extremely realistic flesh and hair tones.
Costuming is also coming along; the most difficult thing this week has been figuuring out how to make the shoes for each character; in terms of materials that need to be both flexible and tough for when I animate the walk cycles.
A lot of the feedback I got when I presented my animatic to the graduate seminar advised me that the beginning of my film was too slow, and that I should speed it up and get to the main action of the stick bug and ghost boy. This was really helpful, and should allow me to cut even more out of my animatic, making it more feasible as I am nearly but not quite on schedule for animating.
I will post pictures hopefully tonight of my progress so far, unfortunately I don't have a camera right now so I need to locate one
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